Astro the therapy dog makes great company for aged care residents

Loris Leverett loves visits from Astro the therapy dog at Glenview Community Services residential aged care facility in Tasmania.
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I am 90 years old and have lived in Geelong, Victoria, for much of my life. I grew up on my family’s dairy farm where I worked until I was married. More recently I lived in Kempton, Tasmania, to be near my daughter, and came to live at Glenview Community Services residential aged care facility about 16 months ago.

I’ve always had animals near me throughout my life. There have always been dogs, cats and horses around! My husband and I also had horses in Geelong. My favourite cat Monty had to be put to sleep due to bad health a couple of years ago. He was a great companion to me. More recently, I had a beautiful cat named Flash and he had to stay with my daughter when I moved into Glenview.

At Glenview, I don’t come out of my room much. That’s what makes the visits from Astro so special! He is a therapy dog. Oh, I love his visits; he makes my day! I’d share my room with him anytime! He’s such a special dog.

I think pets living with their owners in residential aged care would be difficult. Someone would need to walk them and care for them. You couldn’t lock up a dog in a small room. My Monty (cat) would have been fine…sleeping all day! Set up properly, it would be so great.

Loris Leverett, TAS

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