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Supporting Our Work

Want to directly support our work?

Make a tax-deductible donation now to the Australia CAN Foundation

There are several ways you can help us care for companion animals

Australia CAN Foundation

Support the direct-care work of our member agencies on behalf of companion animals. Please e-mail us at for further details. All donations to the foundation are tax deductible (GiveNow will open in a new tab).

Work Place Giving

Learn how to connect your employer with charities such as Australia CAN through workplace giving (Workplace Giving Australia will open in a new tab).

Watch Now: Business Leaders Supporting Workplace Giving

Pets in aged care campaign

Visit the Positive Ageing in the Company of Animals website (in a new tab) and support our work in this area at our Give Now page. These donations are tax deductible.

Pet-friendly rental campaign

Visit the Rent With Pets website (in a new tab) and support our work in this area at our Give Now page. These donations are tax deductible.

Help us improve the lives of companion animals - Australia CAN

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